Sunday, December 29, 2013

Getting to Really Hate Target

I'm getting to really hate Target. You know how you just get a feeling about a place? It wasn't the credit card data fiasco thing that started it - I actually felt kind of bad for Target over that, it could have just as easily happened to the company that I work for. Or to me! Consider the guys in your IT department. Would you trust that they could keep your data safe from the rest of the world? Anyway, I'm just getting to hate Target because they are so big. They are more than I can afford at times; they are not a very friendly group; and lastly, well this does have to do with the whole credit card thing, they didn't really apologize very much for it.

But as I said, I was feeling for them through their time of crisis. I made the decision (very conscious decision!) to actually shop at my local (since I now have three "local" Target stores, I should really say at my nearest) Target store on December 23rd. I figured there was about $100 dollars left on my "to buy list" and I figured I'd go ahead and give it to them. I took my time gathering my items which included makeup I needed for me and the girls, books (since we have absolutely no bookstores in the area anymore and my Amazon Prime was not going to make it and I really needed some books under the tree or just would not be Christmas, so yes, I was forced to choose from whatever was on sale in the two aisles in the "book department" at Target), and candy for stockings. So really three items: Makeup, Books, Candy. I had coupons. Two for makeup, one for candy, and one Target coupon for $10 off of $100.

I spent a lot of time in the store. Especially the book aisles :) and was happy I found everything on my list. Then I got to register. My checkout lady just stared at me when I frantically rifled through my purse for coupon #4. "You know that coupon where you get $10 off of $100?" I asked her. "Do you have one of those back there"? She shook her head slowly at me. I told her to just go ahead with my total and I'd look for it later (really trying to appease her and the guy waiting behind me in line). Then I asked about the additional 10% I heard that Target was giving. "That doesn't apply any more". Okay..well thanks anyway - it was really nice sharing this time with you!!! I know, I'm sure she is overworked and underpaid. So am I and that does make me a little cranky at times.

So it really wasn't just the checkout experience that makes me not really like Target anymore. I guess just that fact that they have so much "stuff" and I buy "stuff" when I go there. Stuff that I don't really need. And that's what has kept me away from the place up until my last items on my Christmas list. This time in, I only bought things on my list. I did not buy the other stuff. No gift set of body wash and body spray with the bath squishy thing. I didn't buy the $20 water bottles for my children to lose. I did not buy the $9.99 scarf set, jewelry set, wallet, wristlet, make-up set, cheese set, sausage set, dog outfit, or dominoes set (okay, I did buy the dominoes set but I have my receipt and it is going back!)

My receipt. I was dismayed when I got home  and looked at my receipt (yes, of course I should have reviewed it before leaving the store) and only one coupon was credited. So for my $127 purchase (but I am taking the $9.99 domino set back), I saved an extra $1.00. One measly dollar. And then I thought about it and realized nothing I bought was even on sale. Two days before Christmas and nothing was on sale!? That's just un-American. Or at least, un-American-Christmas. And I missed out on using three coupons, what would have amounted to a savings of 12 more dollars (but I never did find that $10 dollar off....)

I guess I really just am getting to hate big box stores. I haven't stepped foot in a Kmart in many years. I'm a total Walmart-hater ever since they tried to move in next to our neighboring residential community - yes, res-i-DEN-tial community. Occasionally, I have gone in to the Walmart near where I work if I really need a button or some fabric (I really need to stop doing that!) No more big boxes for me in the new year!

I am getting to love Aldi!
I'm so happy at the check out when my total comes to $42 dollars! I love the Aldi checkout ladies. They are always slammed but they know what a great deal there giving us and we are really thankful to them! They are fast at what they do. When they're not at the checkout, I imagine them unloading trucks and hauling around boxes and bins. They're pretty tough. Yet gentle enough to remind us quietly that we can't buy wine on Sunday. And thorough enough to show us the damage to the produce we so unwisely chose! I really should entitles this post "Getting to Really Love Aldi"

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